Hey Luvs...
Firstly I would like to say welcome to this space & thank you for being here.
This space has been created for all....all
... and all of you is welcome here.
Your joy, sadness, clarity, confusion; your high vibration & your low.... !!!!
Writing and collecting images has been a major part of my life and healing journey on multiple levels.
Through the use of Journaling I have indirectly learnt so much about myself, why I am the way I am, what experiences have shaped me, how to overcome and move forward.
One thing working with and supporting others has taught me is...we all have a voice and a truth. Which means we all have a story.
The Spirit Journal hopes to offer a platform for individuals to be able share and express their own perceptions and experiences of life, which in turn will support others.
Our JOURNAL THERAPY COURSE will be opening soon, but in the meantime please know....
This is a safe and sacred space....
Please sign up, become a member post & share.
A word, picture or paragraph. An essay or poem or song!
Creativity and free express is the key!